Sunday 5.20.01
Poem-Cees, Soul Sista, and Fertile Ground
The Black Cat
1831 14th St NW (few blocks south of U St.)
Friday, May 11, 2001
Thursday, May 10, 2001
Although, this post (and really 75% of the posts on this website) kind of torpedoes that image, anyway. Damn.
Wednesday, May 09, 2001
Link stolen from Katherine. This is becoming a habit.
At this moment, about 500 firemen and 300,000,000,000,000,000 firetrucks (complete with cool extend-o-ladders) materialized around the building. There was mildly bemused confusion as the fire department attempted to escort us out of the building and various co-workers would vanish so that they could quickly pick their noses before leaving the building.
Once we got outside, we discovered two things:
The "fire" was a smouldering garbage can in an office on the second floor.
The fire department told us that the building would not be reopened until the landlord fixed the "numerous fire code violations".
Various co-workers said, "WHAT? I left my keys up there!" I chuckled to myself and went car shopping.
As it turns out, the fire department will allow the building to be open from 9 to 5, so I guess the violations weren't too major. Still, it's amusing to know that I will be FORCED to leave work at 5 up until my last day Friday. I also marvel at how modern society has completely blunted the average American's sense of self-preservation.
Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Monday, May 07, 2001
Main Entry: elec·tro·cute
Pronunciation: i-'lek-tr&-"kyüt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cut·ed; -cut·ing
Etymology: electr- + -cute (as in execute)
Date: 1889
1 : to execute (a criminal) by electricity
2 : to kill by electric shock
- elec·tro·cu·tion /-"lek-tr&-'kyü-sh&n/ noun
Wow, it's the last Monday at my current job. Looking around, I see a lot of junk I need to pick up. (I'm not going to be like a former co-worker who left, among other things, an Apple IIc behind when he moved on to another job.) Tonight my wife and I are going to do some prelimenary car-shopping. Right now, we're trying to decide between a Volkswagen Jetta, a Toyota Rav 4, and a Subaru Forester. If anyone knows of a particular dealership in the Boston area that has good prices or financing, feel free to drop me a line. Also write me if you know of a dirt-cheap 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in Cambridge, Somerville, or Arlington.